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A member registered Feb 20, 2017

Recent community posts

 "Chill, oh my God, stealing from actual artists is a thing, you need to just stop fighting and let it happen." It ruins culture. That's not an exaggeration. It steals from actual artists to build an amalgamation devoid of talent, artistry or depth. You're lack of morality doesn't mean people who don't like theft need to relax.

"Science and statistics talk about at least 4% of homosexual people and about 1/4 of potentially bisexual."

That sentence reads as, science suggests 4% of the population is homosexual, and one-fourth of the population is bisexual. Unless you're suggesting that he's saying one-fourth of four percent, which is one percent, is bisexual? You think only 1% of the entire human population considers themselves bisexual, given 3.7% of women, just women, mind you, identified as bisexual in the National Human Growth survey? That's not even including dudes.

Listen, your name is very fitting, but just... do a little research. More than 1% (and far less than 25%) of the entire human population is bisexual, and good lord, much, much more than 1% of Lesbians and Gays consider themselves bisexual.

25% of the human population is not bisexual, dude. That's one of the dumbest things I've read in a very long time.

What?! Why did Steam deny it? Porno visual novels are gettin' put up all the time on Steam. Not a big deal, I mean, I'll just buy it here, I love Lux games, but I'm honestly astounded they denied you guys. This seems almost vanilla compared to the Daz Ren'Py games they're allowing.

Please, for the love of God, revisit this in the future! Wonderful fucking game!

Enjoyable. Fun and short and a solid one-shot once you get what the dev is going for. Well done!

Brilliant. I certainly wouldn't have caught that.

Loved it. Absolutely loved it. Saw the title and immediately installed, didn't even scroll down to look at the pictures or comments, just went in completely blind and got MORE than what I was hoping for. Loved the 'Too Many Cooks' reference and the similar descent into madness. Will gladly follow this dev for their next descent. Great stuff.

Genuinely enjoyed my first case. It was brief, but extremely tense. Looking forward to solving further cases, and looking into the dev's other games. A lot was done here with very little.

There wasn't much to it, but I did enjoy myself with what was here.